Thursday, December 3, 2015

Self Reflection (For class)

     I have enjoyed this class. I feel like you stressed technique of writing in everyday settings. I feel like you emphasized writing and presenting well in projects we enjoy and have interest in, over ones we were assigned and find uninteresting. I feel that this has helped make our projects better, by mostly being in subjects we are knowledgeable in. I do, however, believe that the group proposal was too large of a step up from our previous works in this class. We went from suddenly having easy projects where we did not need to do much research, to a herculean undertaking, that required lots of research, and intense focus on details. The jump from our last project to this one in work load was very noticeable. Regardless I have enjoyed most of the projects we have done in this class. I like that I basically got to play video games and say it was research for a college class. I have learned from here that while there may be times when I need to be as specific and wordy as needed, for instance a comprehensive manual, or a few hundred word reflection. But there are also times when I should be concise with my word choice, and that happens to be most of life. I learned how to write memos for workplace project updating. I can easily see how this knowledge will be useful in my life. So that's all, here's a picture of Batman Beyond.

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