To begin, this car comes with two modes: Pursuit, and Battle. The first is the standard car mode. This one can be used for travel and chasing down cars/apc's/ and humvees. It comes equipped with the "Immobilizer" missiles, and the ability to ram/ sideswipe targets.
- R2: Drive
- Left stick: Steer
- Triangle: Afterburner (hold), recharge by powersliding.
- O: Immobilzer Missile, target with O and fire when fully locked on. Amazingly these missiles don't do any of the possibly deadly things that other missiles disabling a car would do, such as: kill someone in the explosion, hit someone with shrapnel, kill someone by causing a high velocity car crash, or others.
- XX: Eject, sends Batman into air. Moving faster increases the speed boost in the air, and can be upgraded.
- Square: Break/ Reverse. Hold while holding R2 and moving the left stick to powerslide.
Remember, the car is more than meets the eye. Hold L2 and you will watch as the Batmobile transforms into what can only be described as a "Bat-tank". And if you're afraid of accidentally shooting a criminal with an anti-tank shell fret not! Both of the primary weapons (Vulcan and Cannon) will automatically fire the riot suppressor instead if you are targeting a living target.
What was that no guns rule again?...
- L2: Battle Mode, hold or go into settings to allow for toggling.
- Left stick: Moves the vehicle.
- X + Left stick: Dodge. Useful for avoid incoming fire. Can be upgraded to allow for two bursts in a row.
- R2: Main cannon. Your best friend in tank battles.
- R1: Hold for the Vulcan gun. A fast machine gun, this is useful for targeting enemy weakspots, taking out light drones, and intercepting missiles.
- O: EMP, once unlocked you can spend some of your weapon energy to temporarily knockout enemy drones. It is also very useful for taking out missiles in the air. The size and duration of the pulse is based on the number of bars.
- Square: Missile barrage. Can choose how many bars to use, press for number of targets. Very strong ability when overwhelmed. Note; the level one version is almost useless as it only takes out one drone at the expense of one bar.
- Triangle: Hold for drone hack. This ability Allows you to switch drones to your side. Very useful when facing alot of drones. Level 1 only hacks one weak drone, but more bars increases the radius, and power.
...I guess it was just about handguns
Its a good thing that Batman's new urban assault vehicle was ready by tonight. Otherwise he might have had a problem with those drones. Well that and just judging by the looks of the AA car he would have been hard pressed to finish most of those Riddler challenges (more on that later). And speaking of the drones...- Rattler: Basic drone. Fires one shot. After upgrading the 60mm cannon's damage you can easily one shot these guys. Also the little glowing weak spot light on the turret is vulnerable to the vulcan gun, and will kill the drone.
- Twin Rattler: Same as above, but with two parallel guns.
- Diamondback: The armored upgrade to the Rattler, these guys will take several shots to destroy. They also fire three shots in a spread pattern. I'm not even sure if you can destroy them with just the Vulcan, but you can blast open their armor with the cannon to open up a weak point. Also be aware; while at range its easy to avoid their fire pattern, close up you can find yourself running out of room quick.
- Mumba: This annoying little guy is probably my least favorite of the Arkham Knight's gang. This one locks onto the Batmobile and fires 1-2 homing missiles at you. You can tell when it locks on, and it shows the missiles allowing you to shoot interception fire with the Vulcan. It also sports light armor making it fairly easy to destroy. Doesn't sound too bad? Wait till you have one on either side of you and as soon as you blow up its ordinance the other is locking on. No fun.
Why were the Rattlers sad? Batman blew up their mum-ba.... I'm sorry.
- Dragon: These are almost like a cross between Predator UAVs and those RC quad-copters. These guys like to fly in close to you and start launching rockets that can hit a small area. They aren't too bad to dodge, but once you get them with several other drones in a CQC situation you can find yourself running out of open room very quickly. Thankfully they're pretty squishy. While you could try one shotting them with the 60mm, but its better to gun them down with the Vulcan.
- Cobra: Finally we're at the big guns of the Knight's army. These big boys can't be beaten in a straight fight. And like Assassin's Creed: Black Flag's ship stealth we have giant billion dollar tank stealth. Thankfully these tanks are apparently sound-proof since as long as you're not in their scanning laser they can't tell if your behind them running over a car. The main way to takeout these tanks is get behind them, wait for the lock-on, fire at the weak point all tanks apparently have in their back, and get out of Dodge since nearby Cobras will be alerted to you. Also you can destroy them a lot faster, and from farther away, if you have two bars of weapon energy and fire off a level 2 missile barrage. Finally if a Cobra spots you immediately shift to Pursuit mode and run away; its kind of your only option. And really finally, your radar is your best friend in these situations.
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