Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pursuing Victory

     The Batmobile challenges start off with the racing maps. While all of these involve racing against the clock, they fall into two different groups. Standard tracks through the city, and Riddler tracks. Also while we're at it here's the Batman Beyond skin.
I guess he got jealous after he saw the Arkham "definitely no one we know" Knight's suit

   The first two are the standard time trial races. You are basically put into the city and given a series of holographic bat symbols to drive through. There are also hourglass shaped time bonuses scattered throughout that deduct 3 seconds from the clock. To get the 3 stars you'll almost certainly have to get several of these, but try not to lose time as you go out of your way. To beat these you may have to try them several times to learn exactly where the bonuses you can get are, work on making the turns quickly, and master avoiding the pitfalls in each part.

#1 Midnight Fury
Race through parts of Bleake Island (I think they misspelled bleak). Watch out for when you go around the bridge; you have to go through the left side first and hit the right on your way back.

Aren't there at least a half dozen plots to destroy the city going on right now?

#2 City Heat
This course seems to be shorter than the other one, and takes place on Miagani Island. There a time bonus near the Botanical Garden but be careful, try to get it after going through the wrong marker could cost you.

The last three courses challenge you to make your best time on the last lap of the three Riddler tracks. You know Mr Nigma really needs to look into rebranding himself. I can't remember the last time he gave us an ACTUAL riddle to solve. 90% of what he makes you solve are challenges. He should change his name to the Challenger or someone needs to tell him that these arn't riddles. 
  How is this a riddle again?

     In these you use the O button to switch the red and green traps. Since the challenges use the last, and hardest, of each track you will need to be quick on some of these switches.
The Riddler knew your brand new car could do this...Right?

#3 Crushonator
The first of the Riddler themed challenges is actually based on the second of his race tracks (they couldn't have kept them in order?). The main "obstacle" in this course is the large panels that you can switch on and off. You also end up driving on top of these so be careful, and remember to wait to switch it when you are on the uncolored panels. You also have to deal with "panels" that automatically move up and down, and will crush you if you're under them. Keep in mind that they do change where they land each time so simply avoiding where they just left won't work. Alternating the drift and afterburner will help reach that time.

#4 Condamned
This challenge has you race through the last and hardest of the tracks. I'm not going to lie; this one took me awhile to finish in the story. Also unique to this one is that you do not control anything in it. Which you should know since you have to had already played and beaten it to have unlocked it. Also there is a section with a wall and two barriers you have to navigate. The ways you can fall off of the wall are numerous and include:

  • Stopping (obviously)
  • Hitting said walls (thats why they're there)
  • Barley tapping the walls (I swear it didn't even leave a dent)
  • Turning too sharply (you have to be kidding me!)
  • If Batman breathes while on it (ok now I'm kidding)
  • Changing into Battle Mode (that one's on you)
  • And probably many more that I haven't encountered yet
Pictured: A Riddle

     My advice for this section, try to take the turns very gently and keep your hand off of the afterburner. Then you have more dodging spinning death blades, some of which randomly appear, and ANOTHER wall section. This one involves several square "crushers" that move forward each time and somehow end up right where you are when they come down. For this one try to avoid the row the next one is on because trying to time passing through it will be nearly impossible. Really I think the Batwing would have been more suited to this challenge.

#5 Mental Blocked
This one is actually my favorite of the courses. It features more use of the block control then the others. In my opinion, its also the easiest of the three. Boost as much as you can, remember to be clear of the blocks before you change the next one, and try to have fun, it is a game afterall.
    Pictured: The Riddler's "game"

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