Arkham Knight has seen many alterations to the typical stealth encounter formula seen throughout the past entries in the series. For one, many stages take place outside instead of mostly being inside rooms that we could fit a house in. Another change is that these stages are often more vertical than those in past entries. Batman is now able to move between levels in a stage more easily using, among other means, special vents that are accessible from the usual vantage points. By targeting and pressing the grapple button, you can swing into a vent and slide down to the floor vents. Approaching a vertical shaft and grappling while in the floor vent pulls you up and onto a nearby vantage point. So if you perform a takedown and escape into a vent, then while your enemies scan the vents for you; you can be above planning your next attack. The Knight isn't the only one with new tricks however. Since the militia were trained by the Arkham Knight in how to counter Batman's tactics, they will be ready to adapt to you. Alerted enemies will now be looking into vents and grates on the ground as they patrol. This is indicated by the red highlight on the grates they are looking at. If they see you they will open fire and alert the others. If spotted don't try to just move away from the grates underground; now enemies can drop thermobaric grenades into vents to get you. They can also deploy mines on the vantage points. Remember to listen to the chatter between the enemies, that will often clue you into what they are about to do.
Their are also many new enemy types to contend with in Predator maps.
- Medic: Yes the medic also makes an appearance here, and like in the combat maps he will heal the guys you previously took out. Make him a priority target. Unless you get the upgrade that will allow to you sabotage his medpacks. Then just do that and let that problem sort itself out.
Looks like some shock therapy
- Drone Controller: This guy controls a small drone that will patrol the map looking for you. Watchout as it can sneak up on you and will attack you AND alert the controller. The drone can be sabotage
- Minigunner: This behemoth enemy carries a large gun and does not go down easily. If you cannot incapacitate him with one of the instant takedowns that work on him (no silent takedowns for this guy) then you will be forced to use a long series of beatdown attacks while dodging his attacks. This WILL draw attention so if that is the case try to save him for last.
- Optic Deflection Armor: These guys are equipped with special armor that won't allow you to see them in Detective Mode. All this really means is that they don't glow. You can still see them with the cowl, just not through walls. There is an upgrade to let you tag them with the Disrupter if you are having trouble.
- Scanner: I'm sure there is a proper name for these guys, but I don't know it. Basically these guys have a scanner that will pick up when you are using Detective Mode. Stay on it for too long and they will pinpoint your location. So watch your usage of it until you can take out that guy. Also upgrade the Disruptor to shock him when he tries to use it. As they say, snitches get stitches.
- Miners: These guys can deploy mines around the area. Once alerted to your presence they will start placing their mines. Take them out quickly or your mobility through the area can easily become hindered. Like the others there is an upgrade to let you sabotage their mines to detonate as they're placed.
- Turrets: While not an enemy type per se, these guns will scan a certain area for you. If you don't pay attention to where they are you can find your cover being blown as they open fire on you. It is possible to take them out by approaching their unguarded back, and they can be temporarily blinded by the Remote Hacking device.
- Explosive Gel: An Arkham classic, set up to three charges and detonate them one by one. Can set off weak stone walls for traps, blow enemies off balconies (if placed right), draw attention, and once upgraded can be used to takedown a near by target.
- Disruptor: This fires small devices to sabotage three (four if upgraded) targets. You unlock possible targets though upgrades, and I strongly recommend you do as it makes this one of your go-to tools in this type of encounter. The possible uses include: medpacs, Scanners, all guns, Optic Deflection Armor, drone controllers, and some that are only for combat encounters.
- Smoke Bomb: Your main defensive tool. If you get spotted and need to escape either up to a vantage point, or down into a vent then pop this before by pressing triangle (note: triangle only works for the smoke if an armed enemy has you in their sights). This keeps them from letting them see you escape; thus negating needing to break their line of sight. It can also be used offensively if you want by dropping it in a group of enemies and silently taking them down in the panic.
- Line Launcher: While I wish they had brought back the Remote Grapnel from Arkham Origins, this tool lets you make your own wires to use to traverse the map. While wire walking you can also use a silent takedown if close enough. And for those who are especially bold, you can try to kick a target off a walkway for a knockout as you ride past them on the LL.
- Voice Synthesizer: This new tool replaces one of my favorites, Sonic Batarang. Thankfully it includes most of the Batarang's functionality and more. Target an enemy, then select a place for them to go, such as in front of a wall you've primed to blow, a weapons crate you've sabotaged, or under the vantage point you stand on. Then the synthesizer will order that target to check on the area you selected in the voice of their commander (usually the Arkham Knight). This tool will let you set up many takedowns. The catch, however, is that it has a cool down, and you cannot use it while their leader is speaking. Also if you try to use it too much the others will catch on and refuse to obey.
- Batclaw: Use this to yank targets helplessly off of ledges.
Three of the challenges for this section give out starts based on performing certain actions. All three must be completed in one playthrough to three star the challenge.
#1 Smash and Grab
This first challenge is the odd man out for these missions. Instead of being based on completing challenges for stars this one is time based. Takeout 10 of the targets before 1:15 to three star it; under 2:00 for 2 stars, and finally 3:00 for one star. This challenge is also unique in that, like the Two-Face missions, there is a loud alarm going off in the bank. This means that you can use loud takedowns without alerting nearby enemies. Also the bank includes many object for your remote hacking device. These include several doors you can close, a smoke cloud in one room to set off, and a large section of the floor that can be electrified. That last one is actually meant as a security measure for the bank too, you'd almost think Gotham expected armed bank robbery every day.
And he wonders why bad guys don't help each other out a lot
And he wonders why bad guys don't help each other out a lot
#2 Terminal Velocity
This one takes place in the Grand Avenue Station. Be careful as their is a turret on this map that you will want to deactivate. The star challenges include:
- Use a Remote Hacking Device Takedown point to KO a militia thug.
- Perform a fear takedown though a wooden wall
- Take out the militia minigunner with an Environment takedown.
For the second challenge I have to admit that I haven't completed this one. I have found two wooden walls, one of which only you can get behind through a grate. The trick is to wait till at least one guy is close enough on the other side and someone else is close enough to him. Good luck.
Finally, this last one is actually easier than it might seem. It just means to hit him with one of the environmental takedowns you typically find in fights; such as an electrical junction box. This can even be done before alerting them.
#3 Revive and Shine
This one is interesting as the challenge is more about getting the stars than finishing it.
- Take no damage During the challenge
- Take out the medic last
- Perform two separate Fear multi-Takedowns
This next one isn't necessarily hard. Watch yourself to make sure you leave the medic, and don't sabotage his medpacs.
Finally the last one is the most difficult in my opinion. Since there are fewer enemies in this encounter getting more than one ( and not the medic) together can take patience. It might benefit you to alert them before you start taking down enemies. At least those medics will make sure you don't wipe out all of your chances too easily.
#4 Under the Pale Moonlight
This is the ultimate challenge for the predator AR missions. On top of the Panessa Studios building you have a lot of area, and targets. I highly recommend sabotaging the medics before you start.
- Perform a X4 Fear Multi-Takedown
- Use the Voice Synth to KO a target at a weak wall primed with explosive gel
- Take out the Boa Drone Controller last
There is a good wall for this next to the drone controller. and there are vents that let you get around it and away so that you don't have to alert the controller. Then just sit somewhere and let the voice synth do its job. Just make sure the controller isn't the one setting it off.
This one is pretty self explanatory. DO NOT ATTACK THE CONTROLLER! In fact when you take out the second to last guy the controller will drop it and start running around the map towards you. (Not: it might only be if the last takedown is loud)
Tune in next time as we introduce the fearsome new Batmobile
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