Saturday, October 10, 2015

Nightmare Incarnate

     Ok so I don't know how many of you have which DLC but I will do posts on some of them just cover them.

     Note: The game makes a point that this is high difficulty content. So keep in mind that while this may be available to do as soon you load the game, it would be a good idea to wait till you have some upgrades and experience under your belt before tackling this.

     First off I'll do the Scarecrow challenges. Imagine the combat zone challenges from the last post. Now imagine they used Riddler tracks and there was just one combat section at the very end. Thats basically whats happening here. For all of these you have to race through these tracks based off of sections of the city. However, you are essentially in a nightmare form of Gotham populated by a giant version of Dr. Crane. While racing through this hell, you will need to avoid various obstacles that his supreme fearfulness throws at you. If you played Arkham Asylum then the design of these three courses will seem familiar. Ultimately, you need to run through these to get the layout down so that you can get a good time. I also recommend that you invest in some Batmobile upgrades before, especially the armor. Finally, each will have a boss fight at the end where you must fight the giant specter of Scarecrow and a drone guard that he summons. Tip: While you can damage him, hold down the button for the Vulcan while firing the 60mm as it reloads. This will maximize your DPS.
Man! I hate traffic.

#1 Scarecrow Nightmare 1
For the first of the challenges you will be on Bleake Island. You will race through the city as Scarecrow tries to taunt you. Honestly he should leave that to other villains, or at least get the knight to write his stuff. Also it seems that he has different sets of dialogue he uses for different run throughs. As you charge through the streets you will have to avoid giant "syringes" that shoot through the ground. Also you will see meteor-like projectiles hitting the ground in front of you. Avoid those spots as they leave behind fire that will damage your car and cost you time. Finally, you will reach the Panessa studio lot, and the Big Bad Bogeyman. He will summon waves of drones when you damage him enough. First they will be Rattler's, but later waves will have Mumba. After destroying all of his toys time will slow down for a few seconds, use this to target him and unleash whatever level of missile barrage you have. Also beware as Scarecrow will fire laserbeams from his eyes, send "crows" (basically the mumba missiles) at you, and, worst of all, think his dialogue is scary. At one point the helicopter from the first boss fight shows up. Also he ends up summoning some phantoms occasionally who rush the car. Take them out with the vulcan.  

Good thing all of my weapons work in this nightmare world he made

#2 Scarecrow Nightmare 2
Mostly same thing, but on Miagani. Scarecrow has some more tricks. While driving though the streets, he will fire his eyebeams at you. Also he throws cars that will explode and damage you. The boss fight at the orphanage is also mostly the same. In the second wave of drones they drop one of those stationary turrets. Prioritize that it. 

#3 Scarecrow Nightmare 3
Same as the last two. You will start on Founder's, then jump to Bleake, and finally jump to the Statue of Liberty rip-off in the middle for the final battle. Honestly there is nothing really new to share about this. The drone arrangement has been upgraded to Twin Rattlers and Dragons. Full honesty I found the dragons a little difficult to target with the lighting and colors the way they are. 

Note: I almost kind of hate that this is available from the beginning, and not through the story. Because of this all of Scarcrow's ranting is generic, or about Joker's death. I would have liked if this "nightmare" included some references to the events of the game. But thats just me. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Angry Bruce: Street Warrior

     The hybrid Batmobile challenges have one common theme: the devs didn't feel they fit with either of the other two types. They form a kind of middle ground as in they aren't quite about straight combat and they aren't quite about racing. There are three different flavors of these guys: pursuits where you chase down and disable APCs and humvees, combat zones where you have to race through a course while stopping to destroy drones at different locations, and finally, two are showdowns with the fearsome Cobra tanks. In order to best organize these I will be shifting the order to fit these groupings.


#1 Seek and Destroy
The first of the pursuit challenges, this one tasks you with tracking down and disabling APCs and humvees on Founder's Island. The Humvees give you less points but are weaker, while the APCs are much tougher, but give triple the points. Basically you have to just move around the area while searching for targets until you find one to hunt down. Press O to lock-on, or hold to switch. It takes about two hits to disable a humvee, but remember that ramming also works. It is basically a race against the clock as it counts down to get as many as you can. Successfully taking out one will give you a small time bonus, but be warned because getting hit by a rocket will lose you time. A good trick I learned is that you can use the sideswipe (X + left or right) for a quick dodge. It takes practice to get the timing down, but it may help you to avoid those shots. Keep trying and eventually you should reach that lofty 12 take downs. 

#3 Road Rage
Same as the first, but without those APCs. Remember to try and boost when you go in for a ram to get the most from the impact. Also keep in mind that it helps the lock-on if you get closer and getting farther does the inverse. 
He was doing 46 in a 45.

Combat Zones

#2 Knight Time Strike
On Founders' race through the course while destroying drones in the three zones along the way. Basically imagine one of the city race courses with a small combat section. Unlike in the combat section variety does not net you anything. Here its just about destroying all targets as quickly as possible. Thankfully they are all Rattlers in this one. Be careful though as one hit will add time to the clock. Do keep an eye out as there are time bonuses scattered throughout. 

#7 Drone Zone
Same as before, just more difficult. This time you will be doing several jumps so you may need to run it several times in order to get them down. Also once in the tunnel (you'll know which) you'll find three bonuses in a row by going around on the wall. They're the easiest to get so don't miss them. Finally, the last combat zone includes at least one Diamondback (I didn't get to count cus I wiped them all out at once). If you save your weapon energy you can wipe out all of the targets which will save you alot of time. 

Cobra Fights

#4 Big Game Hunter
I'm not going to lie. I don't like these. In the story, I feel like the devs made too many Cobra fights. They are basically the Arkham version of the ship stealth in Assassin's Creed Black Flag. Devs trying to push the game's stealth element with unstealthy vehicles. Yes they make good boss/mini-boss type fights, but are used too often. In this first one, you have to take down six Cobra. If you need to know how then please review the section on enemy drones in my other post: "The Dark Steed". The first catch is that if you are even detected you fail. While writing this I attempted it and was doing well. I needed one more to finish under the 2:30 time limit, but I was detected, not hit, detected, by one. My biggest tip for these: pick your engagements. If you can then avoid hitting one with others nearby as they will be alerted and move towards you. If you have to hit one thats close to another then try to find two that are moving in the same direction so you can hit the one in back. Also remember how I called the detection rule the first catch? Well the second is that there is another tank that you can't destroy thats also moving around. This should seem familiar to anyone who has beaten the game. For those who haven't: they did it for a boss fight...twice... 
 Well if at first you don't succeed...don't try it again on Batman.

#5 David and Goliath 
First of all, its like Goliath and slightly less Goliath. This is mostly the same as # 4, but without the boss Cobra, and you don't need to avoid being seen. Now hits will only add a chunk of time to the clock. Also you will start with three tanks, but each one destroyed will make two more spawn. So have fun. 

 If the Knight had sprung for 360 scanners this might have worked